Capacity building: ARSEL congratulated at the «École des Mines de Paris» for its capacity building efforts
The 10th of June, 2022, was a very special day at the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris”, as the school awarded end of course diplomas to students of three batches (2018 – 2019, 2019 – 2020 and 2020 – 2021) of the “Energy Regulation» training course.
The Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency (ARSEL) featured prominently at the event with 8 members of staff receiving their diplomas within the 2018 - 2019 batch. Due to tight schedules, three members of staff were able to make it to Paris for the diploma award, accompanied by the Director of Administrative Affairs, Finance and Human Resources (DAAFRH), personal representative of the General Manager of ARSEL at the event.
It is worth noting that, ARSEL had been on the spotlight at the diploma award of the 2017 - 2018 batch of this same training program, where Pilo Ernest came out as the best all round student.
The DAAFRH during her speech emphasized on the efforts ARSEL is making at ensuring that their human resources are well equipped to face the challenges of the sector. The graduates are now expected to prove their worth in their interventions for a better regulation of the electricity sector in Cameroon.
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