ARSEL was established by Law No. 98/022 of December 24, 1998, governing the electricity sector. This law was amended and supplemented by Law No. 2011/022 of December 14, 2011, which enshrines the liberalization of the electricity sector in Cameroon. It has the status of public administrative establishment within the meaning of Law No. 99/016 of 22 December 1999 on the general status of public establishments and companies in the public and parapublic sector.
It is placed under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Water and Energy and under the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance. Its headquarters are located in Yaoundé.
Because it is a privileged instrument of government policy in the field of electric energy, ARSEL has a flexible organization that allows it to quickly adapt to the context and requirements of the electricity sector. which is constantly evolving.
The organization and functioning of ARSEL are set by Decree No. 99/125 of June 15, 1999.
It is administered by two (02) organs.
1- The Board of Directors, on which sits representatives of various Public Administrations, the private sector, consumer associations and Agency staff. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed by presidential decree.
2- The general direction which is run on a daily basis by a Managing Director assisted by a Deputy Managing Director, both appointed by presidential decree.
In accordance with Decree No. 2012/180 of April 10, 2012 on the Organization and Operation of the Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency, and the changes made by its Board of Directors in 2016 and 2017, ARSEL is made up of following entities:
- the Department of Studies (DE);
- the Regime Management Department (DGR);
- the Directorate of Economic Control and Competition (DCEC);
- the Department of Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection (DAJPC);
- the Department of Administrative Affairs, Finance and Human Resources (DAAFRH);
- the Internal Control and Digital Development Division;
- the Communication, Cooperation, Translation and Public Relations Division.
The above-mentioned Directorates and Divisions are each composed of Sub-Directorates or Cells.
The Technical Advisor and the Reception, Mail, Archives and Reprography Sub-Directorate are attached to the General Directorate and complete the organization chart of ARSEL.