The Guide for the promotion of investments in renewable energies for rural electrification focuses on procedures and good practices in the development of national and foreign private investments in the field of electricity production from renewable energies, in view of rural distribution and sale.
It is aimed in particular at promoters of public or private projects, national or foreign, thus contributing to the strengthening of their capacities in the field of the business environment in Cameroon and the promotion of renewable energies for rural electrification.
In the light of this Guide, it emerges that the project model whose technical, economic and financial viability is ensured must comply with the following guiding principles :
Technological neutrality: Find the best technico-economic solution according to the local context; Partially subsidized investments: investment subsidy and / or reduced rate bank loans; Operator: take into account the local content (local / foreign business group) to guarantee the continuity and quality of the operation (O&M) and the sustainability of the project; Size of OSERs: "concessionaire" model, requires several thousand customers (scale effect), difficult to achieve given the specificity of the ENEO concession; surplus energy sales model to the Distributor: ideal solution, requires efficient, appropriate and flexible regulation and standardization; Institutional and regulatory framework: must be clear, with flexible regulation, simplified authorization / concession terms, a feed-in tariff & contract models adapted to small production units; Partnerships and synergies to be developed: Municipalities, FEICOM, donors, OSER, NGOs, etc.).
Technical characteristics of the pre-identified hydro sites at the level of zones II West, North-West AND IV Coastline, South-West.