The granting of legal regimes to carry out activities in Cameroon's electricity sector.
The Cameroon Electricity Sector Law of 2011 in Article 11. Stipulates that the exercise of activities in the electricity sector must be subject to the acquisition of one of the following series:
Concession, License, Authorization, Declaration and free regime.
In accordance with the 2011 law governing the electricity sector in Cameroon. The concession "is defined as an agreement concluded exclusively between the State and an operator. Allowing it to exploit the public domain within very specific territorial limits. In order to ensure production. The transport and distribution of electrical energy on the basis of specifications
The following are subject to the concession regime:
- Storage of skin in the public domain. For the production of electricity
- Production, in particular hydroelectric power. Established on the public domain;
- The management of the transport network ;
- Electricity transport;
- Electricity distribution;
- The production and transport of electricity to industrial companies.
The concession agreements set the duration and conditions of suspension, expiration and revision, renewal and revocation of the contract by the granting authority, as well as the terms of dispute settlement.
In accordance with the 2011 law governing the electricity sector in Cameroon, a License is a contract or administrative title issued by the competent authority to a qualified administrative officer, who has been selected to carry out activities of independent production and sale of energy. very high medium voltage, as well as import and export activities of electricity intended totally or partially for distributors or large accounts.
Licenses are granted for:
- Independent production of electricity
- The sale of very high, high and medium voltage electricity
- Import and export of electricity
Licenses for the sale of very high, high and medium voltage electricity, as well as those for independent production, import and export of electricity are only granted to technically qualified operators who can prove sufficient financial guarantees to operate. these activities.
The authorization is a legal act issued by the competent authority, allowing the carrying out of an activity in the electricity sector, and establishing that the operator fulfills the conditions and obligations to which he is subject by law and its regulations. application texts.
Are subject to the authorization regime under the conditions set by regulation:
- Autoproduction facilities with a power greater than 1 MW
- The establishment and operation of an electrical energy distribution with a view to directly or indirectly supplying power less than or equal to 100 KW
- The establishment of private electric lines using or crossing a public road or a point located less than ten (10) meters horizontal distance from an existing electric, telephone or telegraph line on the public domain.
- Within the framework of rural electrification, and within the limits defined by see regulations, the production in particular of hydroelectric power stations of power less than or equal to 5 MW, the distribution and the sale of electricity are ensured by simple authorization of the The Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency has specific requirements for calls for tenders and advertising, in compliance with safety and environmental protection rules.
Authorization can only be granted in the event that there is a lack of public electricity service, due to the inexistence or insufficiency in the region concerned of the means of production, transport and distribution of electricity. 'electric energy.
When the power of the self-production facilities is greater than 100 kW and less than 1 MW, the owner is required to make a declaration prior to their commissioning with the Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency.
- the establishment of private power lines is free when the works are entirely located on a property, provided that no public road is used by these lines and that the conductors are not, at any point, located less than ten (10) meters of horizontal distances from an existing electric, telephone or telegraph line in the public domain;
- the establishment of private power lines entitled to meet approved standards and norms:
A declaration, for statistical purposes, is required from the owner of these facilities audited by the Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency (ARSEL)