Cameroon's energy policy targets three major challenges, namely:
ensure sufficient, efficient, reliable and clean energy supply;
develop and guarantee access to modern energy services in the long term;
make energy an asset for Cameroonian industry in global industrial competition.
It revolves around the revival and acceleration of the development of the national energy heritage, with the diversification of supply sources and respect for the environment. This policy is contained in a set of framework documents published to provide direction and set course.
The development vision for Cameroon formulated in 2009 by the Government and whose deadline is projected for 2035 is based on the needs and aspirations of the populations, on the ambitions of policies. It can be summed up in several objectives, some of which are specific to emergence, including :
a prosperous economy with efficient infrastructure;
universal access to quality services;
a residual level of poverty;
a level of unemployment and residual underemployment;
an equitable allocation of resources between towns and countryside and between the different regions.
The Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (DSCE), Cameroon's medium-term development framework, is the reference document for government action for the period 2010-2020. The DSCE aims to implement the Vision 2035 for the first decade (2010-2020). The hypothesis formulated on energy stipulates that the important planned developments should allow for the anticipation of a considerable improvement in the country's electric power generation capacity. These developments should boost the growth of energy production at an annual rate of 2.9% and 13% respectively in the periods 2009-2011 and 2012-2020.
The table below shows the changes expected at the end of the first ten-year phase in terms of installed electrical energy capacity.
Télécharger Le DSCE du Cameroun 2010-2020
Some energy indicators in 2010 and their outlook for 2020
Indicators Wording Value of 2010 Expected value in 2020 Gap Power installed (MW) 1 009 3 000 1 991